Student Attendance
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Valle Lindo School District Student Independent Study
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Independent Study Requirements Effective Beginning August 22nd 2024.
Independent study in California (California Education Code [EC] sections 51745–51749.3) provides an alternative way for students to learn if they can’t attend regular classes due to travel, health issues, family commitments, or other reasons. It's important to note that this program uses the same curriculum but allows students to work independently with the guidance of a credentialed teacher.
Written Master Agreement
This written agreement is signed by the student, parent/guardian, and approved by school officials, specifically the designated independent study teacher. This agreement includes:
- Responsibilities of each party
- Duration of the study
- Assignments to be completed
This agreement ensures everyone knows their responsibilities and helps track the student's progress. Students are marked present based on the completion and submission of their work.
Electronic signatures are permitted on independent study written agreements in compliance with state and federal standards. The marking may be computer generated or produced by electronic means and is intended by the signatory to have the same effect as a handwritten signature pursuant to EC sections 51747(g)(9)(E) and 51749.6(b)(6).
Teacher Support and Check-Ins
Students will have access to an independent study teacher who provides support as needed. Regular check-ins are scheduled to review the student's progress and offer help. Students must complete all assigned work within the agreed timeframe to receive full credit. Once independent study is finished, students return to their regular class.
Student Responsibilities:
- Attend Scheduled Meetings: Attend all scheduled meetings with teachers or coordinators as outlined in the agreement.
- Complete Assignments: Complete all assignments, projects, and assessments by the deadlines set in the agreement.
- Maintain Academic Integrity: Ensure all work submitted is their own and avoid plagiarism or cheating.
- Communicate: Maintain regular communication with teachers regarding progress, challenges, and any need for support.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
- Support Learning Environment: Provide a conducive learning environment at home to support the student's studies.
- Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor the student’s progress and ensure assignments are completed and submitted on time.
- Communicate with School: Maintain open communication with the school and teachers, attending scheduled meetings and discussions regarding the student's progress.
- Ensure Attendance: Ensure the student attends all required meetings and assessments.
Teacher Responsibilities:
- Provide Instruction: Develop and provide instructional materials, assignments, and assessments that align with the curriculum and learning goals.
- Monitor Progress: Regularly review and assess the student's work, providing timely feedback and grades.
- Support Student Learning: Offer support and guidance to the student, addressing any academic or logistical issues that may arise.
- Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of the student's progress, attendance, and communications as required by school policies and state regulations.
School/District Responsibilities:
- Ensure Compliance: Ensure the independent study program complies with state regulations and district policies.
- Provide Resources: Provide necessary resources and support to teachers, students, and parents/guardians involved in the independent study program.
- Review Agreements: Regularly review and update the Independent Study Master Agreement to reflect current policies and best practices.
- Evaluate Program: Conduct periodic evaluations of the independent study program to assess its effectiveness and make improvements as needed.
Independent Study Master Agreement:
- Duration and Schedule: Specify the duration of the independent study period and the schedule for submitting assignments and meeting with teachers.
- Learning Objectives: Outline the specific learning objectives and outcomes expected from the independent study program.
- Evaluation Methods: Detail the methods used to evaluate the student’s progress and performance.
- Signatures: Include signatures from the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and school administrator to acknowledge their understanding and agreement to the terms.
Key Changes for 2024-2025
- No Minimum Participation Requirement:
- Students no longer need to participate for at least three consecutive school days to earn attendance credit in independent study.
- Updated Duration for Independent Study:
- Short-term independent study can now last up to 15 days.
- Long-term independent study is for 16 days or more.
- Flexible Collection of Written Agreements:
- Schools can collect written agreements at any time during the school year for short-term independent study.
- For long-term independent study, agreements must be collected before the study begins.
- Expanded Pupil Work Product:
- The work students do now includes the time they spend on online learning, even if no physical work is produced.
- Schools must keep records of the time students spend on their studies each day.
Avoiding Absences, Written Excuses and Truancy Consequences
Evitando Ausencias, Excusas Escritas y las Consecuencias del Ausentismo Escolar
Valle Lindo School District urges parents to make sure their children attend school regularly and to schedule medical and other appointments after school or during school holidays. The district also asks that travel or other absences be avoided during the time school is in session. The higher the district’s daily attendance rate, the more a student will learn. The school calendar is designed to minimize problems for families which plan vacations around traditional holiday periods, and thereby minimize student absences. Following an absence, a student is required to bring a written excuse from home when returning to school. Illnesses, and doctor and dental appointments are considered excused absences. Absences without a written excuse are recorded as unexcused.
El Distrito Escolar Valle Lindo urge a los padres que se aseguren que sus hijos asisten a la escuela regularmente y que programen las citas médicas u otras citas para después de clases o durante las vacaciones escolares. El distrito también pide que el viaje u otras ausencias sean evitadas durante el tiempo que la escuela está en sesión. El calendario escolar está concebido para reducir problemas para familias que planean viajes alrededor de vacaciones tradicionales, y de ese modo reducir las ausencias de los estudiantes. Siguiendo una ausencia, un estudiante está requerido traer una excusa escrita de la casa cuando regrese a la escuela. Enfermedades, y citas médicas y con el dentista se consideran ausencias justificadas. Las ausencias sin una excusa escrita serán documentadas como ausencias sin justificación.
Tardiness: EC 48260 (a)
Tardanza: CE 48260 (a)
Children should be encouraged to be prompt as part of developing good habits. They are expected to be at school on time. If a child is late, the child should bring an excuse from home to the school office. A student will be classified as truant if they are tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year.
Los niños/as deben ser alentados a ser puntuales como parte del desarrollo de buenos hábitos. Se espera que lleguen a la escuela a tiempo. Si un niño/a llega tarde, el niño/a debe traer una escritura de su hogar a la oficina escolar. Un estudiante será clasificado como ausente si llega tarde o está ausente por más de un periodo de 30 minutos durante el día escolar sin una excusa válida en tres ocasiones en un año escolar.
Truancy Definitions: EC 48260, 48262 and 48263.6
Definición de un Estudiante que Falta a la Escuela sin Justificación: CE 48260, 48262 y 48363.6:
A student is considered truant after three absences or three tardies of more than 30 minutes each time or any combination thereof and the absences or tardies are unexcused. After a student has been reported as a truant three or more times in a school year and the district has made a conscientious effort to meet with the family, the student is considered a habitual truant. A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 10% or more of the schooldays in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is considered a chronic truant. Unexcused absences are all absences that do not fall within EC 48205.
Se considera que un estudiante ha faltado a la escuela sin justificación (conocido en inglés como “truant”) después de tres ausencias o tres tardanzas por más de 30 minutos cada vez o cualquier combinación de los mismos y las ausencias o tardanzas no son justificadas. Después de que un estudiante ha sido reportado como “truant” tres o más veces en un año escolar y el distrito ha hecho un esfuerzo consciente para reunirse con la familia, el estudiante se considera un “truant” habitual. Un estudiante que está ausente de la escuela sin justificación válida por 10% o más de los días de un año escolar, desde la fecha de inscripción a la fecha actual, se considera un “truant” crónico. Ausencias sin justificación son ausencias que no caen dentro del CE 48205.
Arrest of Truants/School Attendance Review Boards: EC 48263 and 48264
Detención de “Truants” /Consejo de Revisión de Asistencia Escolar: CE 48263 y 48264
The school attendance supervisor, administrator or designee, a peace officer, or probation officer may arrest or assume temporary custody during school hours, of any minor who is found away from his/her home and who is absent from school without valid excuse within the county, city or school district. A student who is a habitual truant may be referred to a School Attendance and Review Board (SARB).
El supervisor de asistencia escolar, administrador o designado escolar, un oficial de paz o un oficial de libertad condicional puede detener o asumir la custodia temporal durante el horario escolar de cualquier menor de edad que se encuentra fuera de su casa y que está ausente de la escuela sin justificación válida dentro del condado, ciudad o distrito escolar. Un estudiante que es un “truant” habitual podrá ser referido al Consejo de Revisión de Asistencia Escolar (conocido en inglés como “Student Attendance Review Board - SARB”)
Truant Consequences: EC 48263, 48267, 48268, and 48269; WIC 236, 601, 601.3,653.5, 654, and 651.5 Consecuencias de Absentismo Escolar: CE 60901 48263, 48267, 48268, and 48269; WIC 236, 601, 601.3,653.5, 654, and 651.5
Any student who is identified as “Truant” may be assigned as a ward of the court, if the available community resources do not resolve the students’ continued problem of truancy, by a Probation Officer or Deputy District Attorney.
Cualquier estudiante que sea identificado como “ausente sin permiso” puede ser asignado como tutela judicial/tutela de los tribunales, si los recursos comunitarios disponibles no resuelven problema continuo de absentismo escolar, por un agente de libertad condicional o un asistente del fiscal del distrito.
Chronic Absenteeism – EC 60901
Ausentismo Crónico – CE 60901
A student is considered a chronic absentee when he/she is absent on 10% or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date. Chronic absenteeism includes all absences – excused and unexcused – and is an important measure because excessive absences negatively impact academic achievement and student engagement.
A un estudiante se le considera como un ausente crónico cuando él/ella está ausente el 10% o más de los días escolares en un año escolar, desde la fecha de matriculación a la fecha actual. El ausentismo crónico incluye todas las ausencias – con excusa o sin excusa – y es una medida importante porque las ausencias excesivas afectan negativamente el rendimiento y compromiso académico del estudiante.